Membership Overview

Interested in starting or growing your fashion business? Become a TFI member and take advantage of our strategic business-building programs and services including professional, private one-on-one mentoring, B2B and B2C market opportunities, educational webinars, networking socials and exclusive discounts from industry suppliers to save you money.

Read below and discover the best membership that meets your needs.

Become a TFI Member, Get Great Perks.  

Fashion, above all else, is a business. TFI understands this better than anyone. That’s why we help savvy, emerging designers launch and grow their fashion businesses (and, we’ve been doing it for 35 years!).

Our members and alumni have become award-winning, bold-face names worn by royalty and A-list celebrities – think Smythe, Greta Constantine, Jenny Bird and more.

We are a passionate, non-profit community that opens up real, business-building opportunities for entrepreneurs like you.

And if that's not enough, TFI members can access great perks to save you money and propel your business forward. CLICK HERE for a list of membership benefits.

TFI member working in the studio
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Outreach Membership BEST SELLER

For a limited time, become a TFI Outreach member and get 30 days FREE!  Join now and take advantage of this offer to get 13 months of membership for the price of 12! 

A one-year Outreach membership offers incredible industry benefits. Take advantage of 120 minutes of FREE, customized, and private one-on-one business mentoring sessions with industry experts. Click here for information about our mentors and how to book a mentoring consultation.

Moreover, an Outreach membership also includes exclusive discounts from industry suppliers that will save you money. Enjoy FREE access to TFI networking events and webinarssave 50% on our popular Manufacturing & Production Contractors e-list, and we'll send you the latest news about industry happenings and grant programs for fashion entrepreneurs.

For a full list of membership benefits click here.

Join TFI today to transform your fashion vision into financial success. TFI will equip you with all the necessary resources to help you succeed in the industry.

Many of Canada’s top designers and fashion entrepreneurs are TFI Outreach members or alumni, including Bent Boys, Comrags, Greta Constantine, Jason Matlo, Jenny Bird, Line The Label, Martine Lemieux, Shelli Oh, Peggy Sue Collection, Sarah Stevenson, Sentaler, Shay Lowe, Siphay Southidara, Smythe and Todd Lynn.

Please read our Terms & Conditions here before purchase.

Still have questions? Please contact us.

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Not a designer or fashion entrepreneur? No problem!

You can sponsor a membership for someone you know or donate a membership anonymously; we will award it to an equity-deserving candidate.